Will be profitable to open a shop, stable and reliable supply is absolutely essential . Perhaps you are planning to sell their own products from China in order to obtain higher profits. However , you must first understand what risks need to face in order to determine whether it is worth you do this:
Product quality is poor, the customer can not accept, leading to the collapse of funds being crushed and shop .
Customs seized goods , merchandise was confiscated , resulting in a serious loss of funds and the shop closed down.
Customs seized goods , must pay tax penalties, the cost of goods jumped and loss , cash flow problems led to the shop .
Customs seized goods , not timely delivery to the customer , resulting in the loss of customers ask for a refund and shop profits .
Ordering goods to China , even if luck is not the customs seizure of goods , but does not deliver goods import tax , corporate income tax can not be declared , the government found that tax evasion , leading to a passport was seized , fines, or imprisonment .
Cost of goods will be provided with the RMB exchange rate , leading to a serious decline in profits.
Businesses must send money to China through the bank , and the need to pay higher service charges , resulting in a serious decline in profits. If you do not have the budget for this cost in your cost of goods , you have to face a loss.
If you send money to China through a third party agency businesses , not only to pay a service fee , but you must always face the risk of losing contact the agent takes the money , leading to the drain, the shop closed down.
Arrange freight from China to local , ready to face the goods to be crushed , stolen goods , and even the risk of lost of pack of goods.
These questions are of practical experience we have gone through . Do not delusional he is very lucky not to be caught . If you feel adventurous petty earn a modest profit is more important than a stable and secure family life then ; then you need not bother situation more likely to occur.
I hope you remember that shop to continue to make a profit , the only prudent to avoid all risk of supply triggered , it will not allow the shop to face losses , and even close down.
Therefore, to your family , your friends , your customers , your career , so why risk yourself with Chinese manufacturers purchase ? Consider getting goods to local wholesalers do not more secure ? More time to focus on doing the marketing of goods , rather than worry the quality of goods , the shop will greatly enhance the efficiency of operations and, ultimately, more profits and more free time .